Let's make high-quality health care affordable for everyone on Earth.
Let's make high-quality health care affordable for everyone on Earth.

Shifting the focus of healthcare from sick to preventative care can result in better health and reduced costs. That's why we're combining AI and technology with human medical expertise to create all-in-one healthcare, right from your device. We believe it's a better model of healthcare for everyone.
Great partnerships inspire better healthcare
Great partnerships inspire better healthcare
We want to provide scalable, sustainable services everywhere. That’s why we build healthcare partnerships with organizations to solve challenges unique to different locations and populations.
We want to provide scalable, sustainable services everywhere. That’s why we build healthcare partnerships with organizations to solve challenges unique to different locations and populations.
Joiib med offers a comprehensive Digital, Clinical and Home health care solution capable of serving organizations and people anywhere in the world. Our services cover the entire spectrum of healthcare needs, from the simplest to the most complex. We provide direct medical care services, with more than 70 medical specialties and expert opinion in order to offer greater convenience, results and value for everyone.
In the US, we work with partners to provide 24/7 primary care and support to millions of Americans.
In the Brasil, we’re working with the National Health Service to reduce wait times and ease pressure on emergency rooms.
To make healthcare more affordable, we use AI and technology to help our doctors and nurses complete administrative tasks more efficiently, and gain insights to make more informed decisions. To make healthcare accessible, we deliver it through the devices people already own.

We have a world-class team and different countries. By bringing doctors, nurses and specialists together with AI engineers and scientists, we create a home for brilliant innovators, ambitious creators and fast builders.
We believe technology can transform healthcare for the better. That’s why we've developed a set of cutting-edge AI technologies. They can help our patients and providers gain advanced insights and make more informed decisions.